The Journey From Flab to Fab!!!

My thoughts of fat loss and muscle building... Personal experiences, facts that I know about, programs that I promote... basically to help increase knowledge of fat loss (and muscle building)

Tuesday, November 01, 2005


One of my friends went on the Atkins diet. This is the diet where you can eat lots and lots of protein (and fat), with very very little carbohydrates in your diet. According to him, the protein will in some way replace the missing carbs.

I have to say however, that people who try out this diet do lose weight. One of my friends (this one is another guy) lost up to 20 kilos.
That about 44 pounds... of weight. Whoa... now that's quite an astronomical achievement!

But alas, both suffered the side effects. Since the Atkins diet is not mentally sustainable (for them, and I imagine for many others), when they reverted to their 'normal' ways of eating, the weight came back from holiday in a concorde. So fast!!! And for one of them, the weight brought back some friends! Argh!!! Now that's something you don't want happening.

Other side effects, according to one, is the smell of rotten apples...

When you go on a high protein + high fat diet... it causes the fat to burn... yes, it does get burnt. But incompletely!
This results in the release of something called Ketones (the process is called Ketosis). This is where the smell comes from. And it can be noticed from bodily odours and also from the breath!

Hmmmm.... ok. Don't want that. Who wants to be thin while at the same time could clear a room when you say Hello?
Not me :(

I myself had a dissimilar experience. Went on a good program that had excercise + good diet (combination of carbs and protein).
Changed my physique drastically. Body shape changed, and lots of fat were shed.
When I had a lapse in discipline, and went on a long vacation... I did start eating with a vengence! LOL! But thank GOD, my body started acting differently. The shape was still there, and not that much was accumulated.

The last time I was 76kg (during my fat years), I looked flabby. But now, it seems like, at the same weight (due to the lapse), the flab is a whole lot less!

Hmmmmm..... Need to go back on that MuscleNow programme! LOL!

Anywayz, that's all I have to babble for today.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

say no to atkins!!

Mon Nov 21, 09:29:00 AM  

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